sunday sky

Not fifteen minutes after I watered my plants, the sky opened up and it poured for a good little while. What’s more…

There was hail! Not too big, and I don’t think my plants suffered for it, but still – some crazy weather. And I stayed in all day, playing video games (er…Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3) and knitting my Knitty project. No photos, of course, but I do have some other stuff to show you guys:

I picked up a lonely skein of Sock Candy at the store a few weeks ago, and decided to make some anklets. I’m using US1 needles, which I’m finding more and more are unsuitable for me and most sock yarns (lorna’s, trekking) but are just right for this slightly thicker yarn. I really like how it’s turning out, and it’s going fast on 56 stitches.

Oh, and this is the cashmere I bought – the skein on the left is 100 yards of aran weight, and the cone is 640 yards of DK. As I said last time, I may have, upon receiving the package, gone directly back to the store and ordered 8 more skeins. It’s not super super soft feeling (like say, Handmaiden cashmere) but I have a good feeling about washing it up. The colours have me thinking of fall.



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7 responses to “sunday sky”

  1. Chris Avatar

    Wow, that looks like quite a storm! Mmmmm… cashmere…

  2. Rachel H Avatar
    Rachel H

    Very interested to see how the cashmere on the cone knits/washes up.

  3. Gina Avatar

    Coned yarn…School Products?

  4. Steph Avatar

    Thanks for the weather report–now I know what happened to my garden while I was out of town.

    I’ll try to remember to bring in some of the washed cashmere I have from Colourmart on Wednesday.

  5. dennymcmillan Avatar

    wash the swatch from the cone,Yarn tends to bloom when it “crushed up” on a cone. but you knew that right. See wed,in the market. dennyxoxoxxxx

  6. dennymcmillan Avatar

    Oh may be bring me some fleece, I’m out. (Black Sheep road trip???

    I’ll pay good money for fleece.dennyxoxo

  7. jae Avatar

    Gasp! Fall?!
    Don’t say it! I’m not ready yet!

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