Do I have enough yarn?
I didn’t use the full amount of 2 skeins of Malabrigo – I used approximately 380 yards.
What counts as 2 rows of stockinette stitch?
Two rows of stockinette stitch is one row knit, one row purl. One trip across your needle is 1 row, regardless of how many different rows there might be to comprise a stitch pattern.
Is it 14 wraps total, or 28 wraps total?
You should have 14 wrapped stitches on each end, so 28 total.
I don’t have the right number of stitches after the increase row!
Are you doing the increase correctly? The increase is knit front, back and front again – creating three stitches out of one. You knit into the front of the stitch but don’t remove it, swing the needle around to the back of the stitch and knit through the back loop but don’t remove it, and finally bring the needle back to the front and knit the front loop again. You should have triple the number of stitches after this row.
How do I bind off purlwise?
To bind off purlwise, purl 2 stitches, pull the first one over and off the needle. *purl 1, pull the first stitch over and off the needle*, repeat to end. It’s the same as a usual bind off except that you are purling the stitches instead of knitting them.
How to I make it ruffl-ier?
You can add more stitches to the ruffle – I suggest working increase row as written, work one row plain, then do another increase row (either tripling or doubling the number of stitches in this row) before working plain.
How do I block my scarf?
I block nearly everything the same way – soak with Eucalan, then dry flat. Keep the cast on edge straight when you lay it out, and shape the ruffles with your fingers, then let it dry!
I’m a retailer, can I purchase your pattern wholesale?
Wholesale patterns are available from Deep South Fibers!
After the increase row, I’m on the purl side! How do I do Stockinette Stitch?
Keep the pattern correct. Since the increase row is on the knit side, the next row is purl. The 4 rows of Stockinette are purl, knit, purl, knit.
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