swatchy swatchy

Yesterday I worked at the the yarn shop, and I took my bow sweater to work on it there. Since I’m back in again today, I left the project there overnight. So when I came home, I just had to cast on for a new sweater!


Okay, yes, that’s a swatch, not a sweater. But it’s where it all starts! This is on 5mm needles, in Dream in Color Classy. I think the idea for this sweater is coming along in my mind, but it still has a ways (and a bunch of math) to go.

(If the swatch looks a bit wet, it’s because I dropped it in the sink before I took this photo. Whoops.)







5 responses to “swatchy swatchy”

  1. Morgan Avatar

    This looks beautiful! I love the color & stitch pattern.

  2. Jen Avatar

    You didn’t drop it. You were blocking it. Yeah!

  3. Knittripps Avatar

    I love that color!

  4. Brandi Avatar

    I was thinking as Jen was above you were blocking it. You meant to do that.

  5. Meya Avatar

    Wow, what a lovely swatch ! What’s the color ? Gothic rose, right?
    It seems it will become a wondrous garment !

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