I got tagged by a bunch of people…I guess that means I should do it!
Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag seven others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know that they have been tagged and need to read your blog. The facts:
1. I love sleeping under a lot of blankets – I currently have two comforters and one down duvet. Oh, and I have to have my arms underneath the covers when I’m trying to fall asleep.
2. When I was little, I drank lots of milk and juice, and very little (if any) water. Now I drink tons of water and very little juice (and even less milk).
3. I prefer non-breakfast foods for breakfast and the breakfast foods for later – I’ll have rice in the morning and eggs for dinner.
4. I have my nose pierced but not my ears.
5. I’m addicted to lip balm and feel all antsy when I don’t have one on me – usually Burt’s Bees.
6. I find it very annoying that people are continually asking me what I’m going to “do with my life” now that I’m done university. Can’t I have a summer off first?? Also, did you know exactly what you were going to be immediately after university (and stick with it)? At least I currently have design and retail jobs. I’ll work it out. In the meantime…please stop asking.
7. I am lacto-ovo vegetarian, and I LOVE food. Reading food blogs makes me drool, especially anything to do with cheese or dessert. I’m very glad that I have a partner who shares my love of food…and encourages me to bike and exercise so I don’t weigh a million pounds!
So that’s that. I actually could’ve written many, many more random things about myself! I’m not going to tag anyone else, and since I haven’t posted for a few days, this is going to be an extra long one!
I started a tank project out of the Blue Heron Rayon Metallic that I got from the Frolic –
Unfortunately it’s looking like I won’t have enough yarn to do the cross-front like I wanted. I’ve started the back, and then I’m going to go back and redo the front as just a very deep v. I’m hoping to have it done by the cruise (which leaves on the 27th) but I dunno.
I love the woven stitch in the metallic yarn!
And here’s some more handspun that I’m particularly in love with – Fleece Artist Wool/Silk, spun up as a 2ply.
Gotta get packing! I leave tomorrow, early – we’re flying out from Buffalo, so we’ve got to drive down there first. I’ll definitely be posting next week from Austin, and quite possibly a quick note from the boat. You can check my Flickr page if you like to see what I’m up to – I’m more likely to dump the photos in there and write posts later.
Whoa! I’m going on vacay!
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