
A three-day FO! And one of my favourites to date!

Pattern: by glampyre
Yarn: Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Worsted, "vera", 2 skeins
Needles: Denise US9
Started: August 5, 2005
Finished: August 7, 2005

I had some fun with a self-timer photoshoot.

Next small sweaterish thing will be Elspeth, which I’m going to focus on for the next little while.

Have I mentioned that I’m on a yarn fast for the month of August? I’m doing well so far, and I think I can actually do it! Main motivation is the Kitchener-Waterloo knitter’s fair in September, so I’m gonna save up my money from this month to spend there! Excellent.



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26 responses to “three”

  1. Jill Avatar

    Laura it looks fantastic. Great job. I can’t wait to see it in person. And I’m also on a yarn fast….maybe we should have a support group!

  2. RoseM Avatar

    It’s beautiful! You are such an inspiration (and I think you can knit faster than I can talk!). Love checking your blog – but it sure does make me feel slow. Happy Knitting.

  3. Siri Avatar

    Super cute!

  4. Dani Avatar

    Looks great Laura!

  5. Vicki Avatar

    It’s so pretty! And you can’t beat 3 days. Good stuff!

  6. adele Avatar

    Wow, that looks great! I like what you did with it. The addition of the ties is great.

  7. Diana Avatar

    Loving the ties! It looks stellar on you!

  8. Melissa Avatar

    I can’t believe how fast you kniw! Your minisweater is way cuter than mine…I used the wrong yarn, and I didn’t dig the puffy sleeves. Yours looks great!

  9. Alexa Avatar

    Beautiful! I’ve always been fond of wrap sweaters, and you did an excellent job.

  10. MMJ Avatar

    Looks fantastic! I wish I could knit as quickly as you. :-)

  11. Lisa Avatar

    Looks fantastic. You completely amaze me how fast you knit. This must be a stupid question, but how did you get the sleeves NOT to be puffy like the original design?

  12. grumperina Avatar

    Simply gorgeous! Looks great on you! And so quick, too! I love all those self-timer shots, especially the fourth one down where you’re puckering your lips – so Rowan-esque!

  13. Kristin Avatar

    I love how you’ve turned this into a wrap. It’s beautiful and I’m always amazed at how fast you knit.

  14. Leigh Avatar

    I love how you’ve modified it into a wrap! I’m close to finishing the same pattern (minus your adaptation) and you’ve really inspired me to get that bad boy finished, stat. Cute cute!

  15. Julie Avatar

    Hot stuff!

    Bravo, Laura.

    Love the long ties and the fashion-y photos.

    No buttons to worry about.

  16. Wanda Avatar

    Great job on the minisweater! I do have a question on how you modified it into a wrap sweater? I am very interested in making this minisweater and like your modifications. Thanks!

  17. Monica Avatar

    Wow I love your minisweater! And great self-timer photos!

  18. Peggy Avatar

    I love the colors! It’s beautiful!

  19. Jen Avatar

    Wow. You were working on that when I was in the store last Friday. Inspiring. Well played!

  20. jae Avatar

    hottttt! i’m making one – right away. i hope you bring it to snb tonight. i will, of course, have questions.

  21. Carolyn Avatar

    That is just gorgeous! I may take this one on!

  22. Tanti Avatar

    Hi Laura, that’s very lovely, i like the colors too !! It really cool and make me one to make one of this too.. :)

  23. Lily Avatar

    So, I know this was posted ages and ages ago, but I’m just now starting my own minisweater, and as Lisa wanted to know, I was curious how you made the sleeves ‘un-puffed’, and if there were any other modifications you made to the pattern aside from adding the tie. Thanks in advance for any info!

    Oh, and of course, I love the way yours turned out! Seeing pics of it was what inspired me to knit my own :)

  24. […] I realized on Thursday that the post office is closed tomorrow due to a holiday so I had to finish my niece’s sweater quickly and had to mail it without blocking it first. I’m not so thrilled with it and I think it might be too small so I sent her other gifts just in case the sweater doesn’t work. I have another niece with a birthday next month so I quickly started that sweater so that I won’t be rushing to the post office without blocking it first. I’m knitting Glampyre’s mini-sweater without the puffy sleeves and instead of a button maybe with ties like this one for the closure.I really like this particular Manos colorway and I have to tell myself that I shouldn’t be selfish and keep this for myself. I have the really pretty Malabrigo that Susan gave me that I could turn into this for myself so I have to resist. Sometimes Manos for me is like Koigu–I love the progression of colors and I cannot wait to see what color the next stitch will be. […]

  25. […] The pattern is based on Stefanie Japel’s Mini-Sweater Pattern. I need to thank Sara G for pointing out how cute this would be as a wrap sweater. I think she found it on the blog of Laura, aka Cosmicpluto. And anyhow, here it is. I’ve written up some notes for the changes I made, and have them available at the store. […]

  26. […] the style of Diana’s at streets and yos. She was following another bloggers variation of the sweater. Cosmicpluto has her sleeve variation written out for […]

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