time for a recharge

I have been so wiped from school. It’s finally reading week, and I’m…trying to catch up on work. Seriously, I have no idea how people go away for reading week – if I went away for the week I’d been way more behind! Not to mention the fact that I have a test on the first day back.

I’ve been taking the weekend to kind of chill out, though. Sleeping in, eating, knitting. My wheel’s down at the store still so no spinning, but I hope to fix that up soon!

Lorna’s Laces Shepherd Sock in Tuscany. This is only the first sock – I’d intended to gift these during January, maybe, and now I’m rather worried that they won’t be done before winter is over!

I don’t care how many people are whining about the weather, I like the winter and feel gypped by this particular season. I’m sad it’s going to be ending soon – usually by this time of the winter I am sick of the slush and snow, but since it didn’t snow until January (and I went biking at new year’s) I’m really not ready for it to be over. Also? I don’t think you should complain about the winter if you live in a place that, you know, gets winter. If you hate it all so much, move somewhere warmer! It’s used to be much colder in the winter (I remember going skating in -25 C weather and that was only a few years ago) so we’ve been pretty damn lucky that it’s been so warm this season. /end rant

Ahem, where was I? Right, socks. My sock mojo seems to have been missing the last little while, but I think a new sock in Colinette Jitterbug is actually helping – I really want to knit it! Photos of that one to come.

I’ve been working on a sample sweater for lettuce knit – the Jane Origami Pullover from Handmaiden, in a pink/brown colourway (lightbox success!).

And! I have an FO to share. Soon. I should probably be finishing up some of them heavy-winter type garments soon as well…



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11 responses to “time for a recharge”

  1. frecklegirl jess Avatar

    We all need a little down time now and then… glad you are getting some!

    That handmaiden is just gorgeous… great photograph. :)

  2. Jo Avatar

    Wow – that last pic is beautiful – it looks like strawberry and chocolate.

  3. Tina Avatar

    I tend to like winter a little bit myself. If it weren’t for the cold days here in Michigan I wouldn’t get to wear all my warm and cozy sweaters. Yay for winter! It has been mighty cool in these here parts lately. We will be having a heat wave by the end of the week, it is suppose to get up to 40 degrees. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am also happy when spring finally rolls around too.

  4. gleek Avatar

    :) if only i could transplant new york to a warmer climate i would! my only gripe about winter in the city is how the wind whips around the buildings and makes it seem twice as cold outside. brrrr… that and the bad plowing in brooklyn!

    lightbox success! that photo turned out amazing. i really have to set myself up with something like that.

  5. Michelle Avatar

    Winter is good for sweaters!!! How are you finding the Vogue cover Capecho? Some of the KALs are reporting it is huge when finished. I can’t wait to see the Oragami sweater. I’ve been eyeballing that one.

  6. Julie Avatar

    Good job with lightbox maneuvering. Like what it’s doing for your blog aesthetic. Will you be able to capture f.o.s too in lightboxes? Really like your lorna’s laces sock. No pooling! And variegated yarn works on socks. Have been inspired to get into sock knitting since megan’s been stocking the store with such pretty and desirable sock yarns–sweet georgia, jitterbug, sea wool, nature’s palette, etc. What’s nicer to have in a cold weather locale than a deep collection of hand-knitted socks made out of hand-dyed wool?

  7. Brenda Avatar

    I agree with you about winter. It is nice to hear someone publicly claim winter to be a good season. Yea winter. Skating. Skiing. Sleighing. Snow on evergreens.

  8. Julia Avatar

    That pink and brown yarn is so gorgeous! Your origami will be beautiful. Good job on the lightbox! Looks like a yarn catalogue picture =)

  9. mmj Avatar

    Oooh… I’m looking forward to seeing how your Jane turns out. I just got a kit for my mother in law.

  10. naomi Avatar

    Agreed–my complaint about this winter is that it’s been wimpy. I want to go sledding on snow, not slush!

  11. Dawn Avatar

    oh la la! I just picked up that colorway, seeing it in action and not pooling is very swell indeed.

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