time warp

Huh. It feels like I haven’t posted in ages…and I don’t have any pictures to share today, so this will probably be rather short.

Today at work it was strange – it felt like the day would never end. Now, of course this isn’t because I don’t like my job or anything, it’s just that when I checked my watch, it felt so much later than it actually was. Maybe this was spurred by the fact that I have worked the last two days as well; or the fact that when I usually work on the weekend (Sunday), I have shorter hours.

I’ve been out the last few nights, so I haven’t had much time to work on my jacket. I’m thinking that the end of next week might be a really good time for her to make her debut – the forecast is something like 7 degrees (Celsius) for thursday or friday. I’m done the second sleeve, so there’s just the fronts (which are considerably smaller than the sleeves), the cuffs (very small indeed), the collar, and the finishing. I’m hoping to get the two sleeves blocking tomorrow night, and the first front done by then – I’ve got about 8 inches of it done, and the night is still young. Plus the rows can only get shorter once I start the armhole and neck shaping!

I’ve worked a little bit on my LoTech, and I’ve finished the first ball of Cotton-Ease. I’m about 12 inches up the back.

I felt like shit this morning, and so I think I have learned my lesson – moderation on working nights! Sheesh. By the way, my test this week went..ok. Not spectacular either way, so we’ll see.






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