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It’s been awhile since my last garden update, though if you follow me on Instagram there are lots of updates there. Our zucchini plant started out so strong…
We were so excited to harvest the first zucchini I’ve ever grown in a container!
But then of course, a critter dive-bombed into the (completely enclosed! even the top!) container and mucked around, knocking off flowers and taking bites out of zucchini :( So sad. I think there’ll be more, but geez, what more can we do to keep them out? I’m thinking Sriracha along the railing…
The cucumber is doing well and we’ve had 2 so far.
The tomatoes are going BONKERS! I can’t wait! One of the plants looks a bit poorly, but it still has green and fruit on top, so we’ll just have to see what happens.
The tomatoes are so tall, they’re a great screen from the street while we’re on the porch, ha. The peas need to come out, but I’m not sure what to plant in their place. Beans? More chard? Hmmm.
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