tour de fleece! day 5

I’ve been spinning!

crazy colours

Okay, so these two skeins were spun up ages ago. Months ago. But I only just wound them off the bobbin, so here’s the photo! These from from a Blue Moon Sheep 2 Shoe kit that I got at *last* year’s Maryland Sheep and Wool. Crazy colours. Superwash merino, chain plied into a DK/sport ish yarn. There should be plenty of yardage, though I haven’t actually counted.

TdF day five

And what I’ve done since starting the Tour on the 3rd. The silver merino/silk singles were already done (8oz of Ashland Bay stuff) so I plied those up into a couple of big skeins. On the right is a big skein, about 100g and 300 yards, of cranberry Ashland Bay merino.

I don’t have a lot of goals for this Tour, but the main one is to spin every day. So far I’ve done it, although last night I only did 5 minutes at 11:55! I’m also teaching a wheel spinning class this month so I guess I’m in more of a spinning mood. I’m also trying to vary my technique a bit – as with a lot of spinners, I get stuck in a rut and produce a “default” yarn style and weight.

I’ve currently got some cormo/silk on the wheel, and it’s a bit challenging because it’s a woollen prep that’s a little bit neppy. So it doesn’t really want to spin up into my usual smooth type of yarn. I’m trying to go with it and spin it a bit thicker and with lots of air and more thick-and-thin than I usually do.

Of course the other reason I’m doing the Tour de Fleece is so I can spin down the stash a little before Rhinebeck! Just three months away and I already can’t wait.







11 responses to “tour de fleece! day 5”

  1. penny Avatar

    Five minutes makes a difference! That’s my tour goal even though I missed yesterday, I found 15 minutes this morning …

    Oh dear, Rhinebeck really is in three months! Perhaps I should change my goal to spin 30 min twice a day.

    Your silver merino/silk is beautiful.

  2. Seanna Lea Avatar

    Glorious. I love the colors and fineness of your yarn. It looks perfect for a little shawlette.

  3. Cheryl Avatar

    Gorgeous colours :)

  4. tina Avatar

    3 months til Rhinebeck, yikes!

  5. Kathy Avatar

    I love those colors. Five minutes is good – they add up for sure!

  6. Rachel Avatar

    Oh my goodness, those top skeins are gorgeous! I think all of my favorite colors are represented!

  7. Margo Avatar

    Love the bright colors! Perfect for summer into the fall!

  8. Rachel Avatar

    Wow, such gorgeous yarn! I should get some of mine off the bobbins.

  9. Becky Avatar

    Gorgeous yarns. Can’t wait to see the woolen spun, which is the way I do much of my spinning.

  10. Janice Avatar

    Beautiful! Are they 2-ply or 3-ply?

  11. Julia Avatar

    Thank you for showing your beautiful creations.

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