I ordered the yarn from megan Monday night and it was waiting for me Wednesday at SnB!
Louet Gems Pearl, in Cream, Navy, Pewter, and Charcoal. More on the colours in a sec…
Note multiple skeins on swift for maximum speed in winding.
Swatch completed. I accidentally mixed up my colour order in the middle there, so it’s slightly screwed up. Feels great. Gauge is a bit on the small side, but I think I did knit tighter since it was my first go and on a circular swatch. I’m still going with the yarn and needles.
The colours…oh, the colours. Cream is excellent, navy’s good too. It’s the charcoal and pewter that are giving me troubles. I wanted shades of grey (like the original sweater), and then the navy and cream. I even had the colour card in my hand when I ordered the colours. But the charcoal turned out to be extremely green (to the point where it really just looks dark dark green) and the pewter is like…greyish tan. Hmmmm. I think it still looks ok, but it isn’t really what I was going for.
Something to ponder.
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