two pair

Whew, time sure flies by when you’re out of the house nearly the entire week! Monday, Megan H. and Stacey came by to pick cherries!

Megan, being the tallest one, was atop the ladder while Stacey kept an eye out. I was in charge of getting bowls and picking gooseberries. It sure goes a lot faster (and more fun) when you’ve got people to pick with!

Lots and lots of cherries, plus a good amount of gooseberries (going to try my hand at jam).

Talk about a big bowl of cherries. Megan and Stacey each took some, and I took a big tupperware-full to the party yesterday, where they got eaten (and I gave gave the extras to Megan I.). I’ve still got a whole bunch left though!

Back to the knitting – I haven’t been doing that much lately, just a bit here and there. I did manage to finish the Lorna’s Laces socks, though.

I’m digging the slightly longer than my usual ribbing. I did these toe up, short row toe and heel. Maybe 3/4 of a skein each? I was using leftovers.

What else…oh, the boy and I cooked up a solution to the plying head problem:

A couple of wooden blocks drilled out by yours truly, plus some metal washers (which had to be drilled out a bit in the middle as well – I left that to him to do). Very secure, and seems to work well, but I’ll have to put it to the test soon!



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8 responses to “two pair”

  1. Rachel H Avatar
    Rachel H

    Excellent drilling. And you know, I like the way the washers look in there. Did you glue all the parts together? If not, and if you think you might want to I recommend Gorilla Glue. Great for joining dissimilar materials.

  2. Carey Avatar

    Man, those cherries look SO good!!

    …and isn’t that you in one of the Harlot’s pics from the new Lettuce Knit in her most recent post?

  3. Kittie Avatar

    I know this is crazy – but thank you for posting about the gooseberries. I have bickered with SO many people down here that thos stupid Chinese lanterns in the grocer’s are NOT gooseberries. I don’t care what the store labels them. I haven’t had real gooseberries since my grandparents died and my uncle sold the ranch. The berries were all over the ranch up there and I loved them (my grandparents and the berries). My monie unsed to make gooseberry wine and gooseberry tarts. Those were some tasty things indeed. :-) Good luck with your attempts at jam.

  4. prettyknit Avatar

    I’m so envy about your cherry tree!! I love cherry, but in my country is too hot to grow cherry and is very expensive.

  5. Chris Avatar

    Mmmmmm…. Cherries… Gooseberries… Mmmmm….

  6. Rachel Avatar

    Just wanted to say you have a beautiful blog, and some awesome patterns too! (found you through the spinners webring)

  7. adrienne Avatar

    Oh, that fruit looks fantastic!
    Your yarn is lovely :)

  8. Stephanie Avatar

    Oh, I love gooseberries! I’ve never gotten used to them ripe though. When I was a kid, I’d eat them off the bushes at my aunt’s, but to get to them before the birds, I’d have to eat them when they were really green. Wicked tart, but tasty.

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