vogue knitting cabled cardigan errata

I’ve been working on the Cabled Cardigan (#19) from Vogue’s fall 2006 issue, and while it’s going to be a great sweater there’ve been a few problems with the pattern. Somewhat minor ones, but still – irritating.

I’m making the smallest size, and for the sleeve it says to increase every 10th row 72 times. Obviously that’s a mistake! It should read inc every 10th row 6 times. The other sizes look fine.

The other problem I’ve had is with the right front. Up top is the left front, before I ripped it down to the ribbing (I’d made a mistake in the cables *and* forgot to start the neck shaping). It’s now done – quick knits rock! I started the right front yesterday during “heroes” (love that show). The chart for the right front has an error in row 13; the 5-st RC should be a 5-st LC to make it symmetrical to the left side.

I sent that first sleeve correction to Vogue when I encountered it (more than a few weeks ago) and they haven’t updated the errata. There’s also more corrections with the collar, here.

I could forgive a typo or two. But so many? Gah!

How about a happy spinning shot?

I’ve been working on new skeins and will have them up in the shop soon, probably tonight.



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12 responses to “vogue knitting cabled cardigan errata”

  1. Wannietta Avatar

    I wonder if VK even has/uses a pattern editor! They should reward readers who help them out in this regard.

    The spinning is lovely – what a great way to chase away the icky weather blues!!

  2. Elinor Avatar

    Looks great but too bad about the necessary pattern edits! I’ve found that to be more of a prob with VK than other mags.

  3. Amy Avatar

    I plan on making the cabled cardigan in the near future (although not with the yarn it calls for – $400 for a sweater is just a touch out of my price range) so thanks for the heads up!

  4. Claudia Avatar

    Thanks for the errata! That is going to be my next cardigan (as soon as I finish the Must Have) – yeah, so many mistakes is really off-putting!!

  5. gleek Avatar

    man, it just bites when there are so many errata and the company doesn’t bother to post them in a timely manner. thanks for pointing them out! where would the knitworld be without blogs :)

  6. Leslie Avatar

    I love that sweater, but VK better get its act together. There’s no reason for so many errors, especially on one pattern!

  7. Laura Avatar

    The sweater looks great and I guess it’s a good thing you’re an experienced knitter!

  8. Susan Avatar

    Sorry you are encountering so many errors – how frustrating! But thank you for sharing the errata page – I bookmarked it and now will check before casting on a VK pattern. Can’t wait to see your finished sweater!

  9. Sarah Avatar

    Woah, I’m having some serious deja vu here! That cardigan is in my WIP pile, and I was totally planning to whip out that WIP tonight and start on the right front, using my Denise needles and little red barrel row counter while watching Heroes on the Tivo. *cue Twilight Zone music*
    Thanks for posting about the errata. You just saved me hours of frustration and possible project abandonment!

  10. Brenda Avatar

    Is this a common VK problem? I’m knitting a cardi from VK Fall 2002, and the directions were wrong for the right front, as they started the chart in the wrong place to make a mirror image (it’s a cable-rib pattern). I also noticed that Cat Bordhi has a correction on her VK Fall 06 sock pattern that she posted at her website. In her case, VK, changed what she wrote! They changed the cast-on to one that won’t work out correctly! What’s up with them?

  11. Deirdre Avatar

    Gah, there’s a mistake in the chart? I noticed that cabled twisted the other way, and it bugged me, but I just went with it! I ended up almost knitting the front pieces twice because I kept forgetting something – cabled, armhole, neck, ahhh!

  12. Tina Avatar

    I have noticed that Vk has many mistakes in most of it’s patterns. I bought the crochet issue of Vogue ( I knit and crochet ) and it too was fraught with error. I wrote to them and told them there was an error in the white cotton dress and they did write back to me, they wanted to know where the error was? This magazine clearly does not proofread their patterns nor do they test the patterns they publish. I have purchased my last copy of Vk, who edits this magazine anyway?

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