
Creative title, eh? I’m rather tired tonight, so a not-so-interesting title it is.

Six months exactly after being cast on, Cozy was off the needles and on the wires.

It took all my long wires (6) to block, and is about the same length or a bit longer than my bed. Luckily it dried quickly, so I could reclaim me floor! Modelled pic as soon as I can manage – it is so very comfy and soft, well worth the wait.

I’ve finished one sleeve of the wrappy sweater and am about halfway done the second – just straight knitting to the cuff. The body’s still up in the air; I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it. Maybe the button thing, this time.

Last night while reading “These Happy Golden Years” (eighth in the “Little House” series by Laura Ingalls Wilder….ah, comfort reading) I cast on for a v-neck sweater, henceforth known as “Cloud”, but managed to twist the cast-on the first time through.

A rip, re-cast-on and a couple episodes of CSI has given me this:

That’s into the second ball already, and I have 10 – I hope it’s enough. If not, 3/4 length sleeves it is!

P.S. Thanks for all the compliments on Mon Petit Chou and er…my behind! I don’t know that I’ll wear them alllll that much, because they don’t fit under normal trousers and are a bit lumpy for under skirts, but hey, at least they only took 2 days!



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7 responses to “wednesday”

  1. Colleen Avatar

    It’s very exciting to see a finished Cozy; I’m about to embark on my own version. Six months?! I hope that you had other projects going during that time.

  2. --Deb Avatar

    I think Happy Golden Years is my favorite Little House book, but really, they’re all good! I haven’t read them in a while, though–I think it’s been about 10 years. I read my way through the whole series (plus the “Rose” books) little by little, while walking on the treadmill at night. Oh, and I agree–titles can be hard!

  3. Elizabeth Avatar

    You are the first I’ve seen with a Cozy. I have bookmarked ( and back burnered) that pattern for sometime in the get-the-urge future. I’d love to see the modelled pic. What yarn did you use?

  4. Risa Avatar

    You are just amazing. Been reading for some time and am consistently dumbfounded by your skills and speed!

    Love the Cozy.

  5. grumperina Avatar

    Wrappy sweater is coming along beautifully! Looks great so far.

  6. eileen Avatar

    you know, Laura, you are my knitting hero. Really, you are. : )

    I am always so amazed at the things you knit up. They all look so good! And you knit them so quickly, too! man… if only I could be like you!

  7. Anna Avatar

    I just clicked back and forth between your cozy, and the pattern on Knitty. Over and over, I just can’t believe this is the same pattern! I didn’t see the potential in this pattern in the least, but yours says something to me. I see a many Cozies in blogland future!

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