Not a lot of time to blog at the moment, since I’ve got to get off to work, but I thought I’d let you all know how the knitting’s going! Seraphim has been my obsession, of course, and I’ve gotten a lot done this week.
This photo was taken on Tuesday, so I’m rather far behind on my photo-documenting, but I’m much farther now! I’m more than halfway through Chart #3, then it’s the edge chart, and then I’m done! It’s shaping up to be quite big – I usually favour smaller shawls, but I just blindly followed the pattern on this one. I’m sure it’ll be fine.
And since I haven’t said anything about the garden lately, that’s going well too. The tomatoes are just everywhere, and I’ve been canning – so far I’ve done fourteen pint jars and four litre jars. I need to do the canning about once a week or so, to rotate through the tomatoes that are ripe enough and such. I’ve got two heaping baskets of tomatoes ripening on the counter (3L each) so I’m hoping they’ll be good to go on Tuesday or so. The litre jars hold a lot more each, but I can only fit four in at a time, maybe five – the four jars that I did the other day held about 8 dozen tomatoes. So maybe another batch of litre jars next time.
We also harvested and ate our very own watermelon!
It was actually ripe, and delicious! Unfortunately our plant got a bit stunted and only gave the one watermelon before dying. But it was super sweet (also super seedy). And hey, we made a watermelon by sticking a seed in the ground! Growing stuff is awesome.
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