weekend = work week

Not a lot of time to blog at the moment, since I’ve got to get off to work, but I thought I’d let you all know how the knitting’s going! Seraphim has been my obsession, of course, and I’ve gotten a lot done this week.

seraphim, sept 11

This photo was taken on Tuesday, so I’m rather far behind on my photo-documenting, but I’m much farther now! I’m more than halfway through Chart #3, then it’s the edge chart, and then I’m done! It’s shaping up to be quite big – I usually favour smaller shawls, but I just blindly followed the pattern on this one. I’m sure it’ll be fine.

And since I haven’t said anything about the garden lately, that’s going well too. The tomatoes are just everywhere, and I’ve been canning – so far I’ve done fourteen pint jars and four litre jars. I need to do the canning about once a week or so, to rotate through the tomatoes that are ripe enough and such. I’ve got two heaping baskets of tomatoes ripening on the counter (3L each) so I’m hoping they’ll be good to go on Tuesday or so. The litre jars hold a lot more each, but I can only fit four in at a time, maybe five – the four jars that I did the other day held about 8 dozen tomatoes. So maybe another batch of litre jars next time.

We also harvested and ate our very own watermelon!

our one watermelon!

It was actually ripe, and delicious! Unfortunately our plant got a bit stunted and only gave the one watermelon before dying. But it was super sweet (also super seedy). And hey, we made a watermelon by sticking a seed in the ground! Growing stuff is awesome.



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7 responses to “weekend = work week”

  1. Jo Avatar

    Woo-hoo on your own watermelon! We don’t have the space for them in our garden, but I want to convince my MIL to plant one in her garden next spring.

  2. Suzanne Avatar

    Hey… just started reading your blog and am seriously enjoying it. Thanks.

    I made the simple yet effective shawl over the last three days while recuperating from knee surgery. Love that, too. I made it out of Lopi, simply striping (with oddballs of different colors AND garter stitch and SS) until I was ready to stop. So cozy, easy, quick, and beautiful. Thank you for the pattern.

    Just wanted to say, I had my first garden this summer and I completely understand the love and coolness of growing something from a seed. I canned my 145th jar of something or the other right before my surgery, so I understand the rotation and canning frequency and trays of tomatoes ripening on the counter. I am still getting summer squash out of the garden and have a bumper crop (maybe 200 or more!) of butternuts out there waiting to be picked and stored in the cellar for the winter.

    Thanks again for a wonderful read.

    Suzanne in Ohio

  3. Jen Avatar

    Terrific watermelons! We, too, grew watermelons from seed this year. They flowered a bunch of times before some lazy bees finally decided to visit, so ours are still growing — we’ve got two about 11 inches long now. It is SO COOL to grow them from seed! My 3 year old inspects them every day. How nifty!

  4. juliet Avatar

    just finished reading your blog. i love your style and your patterns. i was thinking about starting a knitblog, but realize that i am not as prolific as the bloggers i read and love.

    rock on!


  5. kelly jo Avatar

    I am loving the color of your Seraphim! Gorgeous! Very impressive watermelon, ours got to be about 4 inches around before being eaten by the buggies!

    Oh yeah, and I’m tagging you for A Little Bit of Everything…: Tag….You’re It!8 Things About Me!

  6. ZhiWen Avatar

    That yarn looks very yummy!
    Oh wow, you grew your own watermelon by putting one little seed into the ground? Too bad your little plant died, but this experiment looks like it’s been quite successful :)

  7. Mim Avatar

    that color is beautiful! I hope you enjoy the finished Seraphim as much as you seem to be enjoying knitting it :)


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