whoa, an FO!

Hey! I finished one of my crochet projects!

fun crochet cushion cover

I’ve had a sad, naked couch cushion for ages (well, not that naked – I put a bed pillowcase on it) and it was finally time to do something about it. I really love how this turned out, and I’ve always wanted to make more housewaresy stuff with my vast collection of yarn.

The front is a Wool-eater square, while the back is a granny square.

fun crochet cushion cover

Let me tell you, the granny square side was WAY faster than the Wool-eater side – all those extra loops in the Wool-eater really slow me down. The yarn is all Cascade 220, 2 skeins of the teal and little scrap half-or-third skeins of the yellows.

fun crochet cushion cover

I single crocheted the two sides together along three of the sides, holding the two pieces wrong sides together. For the last side, the opening, I single crocheted along the front and back separately, and added some chains to close it up.

fun crochet cushion cover

Super fun!







10 responses to “whoa, an FO!”

  1. Beth Graham Avatar
    Beth Graham

    Nice use of what you had! I really like the chaining for fastening.

  2. Seanna Lea Avatar

    It looks awesome. I love how you can have two separate looks depending on how you feel.

  3. Jane Avatar

    Very pretty! I like the way the two different crochet squares look together.

  4. Brandi Avatar

    Very cute I like the contrast of colors.

  5. Erin Kate Avatar

    Ooh, it’s beautiful! A crochet project I might actually consider trying!

  6. Allison Avatar

    Adorable! And smart, too, of you to make the cover removable, just in case there is a coffee/grownup beverage/baby in the house accident!

  7. Suzanne Avatar

    Very cute! What a great idea for revving up the looks of a couch/chair/bed and it can be changed as you like. That’s my idea of decorating… easy and quick changes for the season, holidays, etc.

  8. Rocky Avatar

    Love the pillow cover. Great way to use yarn.

  9. Julia Avatar

    That’s a really nice idea!

  10. bapsi Avatar

    beautifully done!

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