How is it Sunday already? I swear it was just Wednesday.
Despite a touch of ambivalence towards some of my projects, I’ve been fibre-ing up a storm around these parts.
Knitting a top-down raglan cardigan along with my sweater class students:
It might be a Christmas present, we shall see (I’m sorely behind on that, but more on that another day). I’ve got tons of other projects but had fewer photos than I thought! I’ve still got to finish up those Cedar socks, which are up to the toe on the second sock – so right at the finish line, really! I’m trying to get back to some neglected projects that would speed along if I just worked on them. I’ve got a couple of new projects in mind too, but there just aren’t enough hours in the day, y’know?
I’ve also been weaving up a bunch of new scarves and things for my etsy shop – look for an update this week (of course I’ll blog about it). I’m aiming to have a good handful to put up, then maintain a rate of a couple a week for the while leading up to you-know-what.
This time I’m doing some narrower scarves along with wide ones, some that are a bit chunkier, and some with handspun. Fun fun! And a great way to use single skeins in my stash!
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