whoa, time warp

How is it Sunday already? I swear it was just Wednesday.

Despite a touch of ambivalence towards some of my projects, I’ve been fibre-ing up a storm around these parts.

Knitting a top-down raglan cardigan along with my sweater class students:

handspun tdr

It might be a Christmas present, we shall see (I’m sorely behind on that, but more on that another day). I’ve got tons of other projects but had fewer photos than I thought! I’ve still got to finish up those Cedar socks, which are up to the toe on the second sock – so right at the finish line, really! I’m trying to get back to some neglected projects that would speed along if I just worked on them. I’ve got a couple of new projects in mind too, but there just aren’t enough hours in the day, y’know?

I’ve also been weaving up a bunch of new scarves and things for my etsy shop – look for an update this week (of course I’ll blog about it). I’m aiming to have a good handful to put up, then maintain a rate of a couple a week for the while leading up to you-know-what.

i really do love weaving

This time I’m doing some narrower scarves along with wide ones, some that are a bit chunkier, and some with handspun. Fun fun! And a great way to use single skeins in my stash!



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15 responses to “whoa, time warp”

  1. Jessica Kaufman Avatar

    Oh, god, weaving. I *long* for a rigid heddle loom, but this is my year of saving up, and I just can’t let myself (yet). Le sigh!

  2. beth Avatar

    the top down cardigan is beautiful! can’t wait for the details…

  3. Keri Avatar

    Wow. LOVE the yarn you’re using for the cardigan. Can you share what it is??

  4. Sarah Avatar

    That yarn for the cardigan is amazing! What is it?

  5. Caryn Avatar

    wow, I love that yarn on the sweater, what is it?

  6. bellamoden Avatar

    I suppose it wouldn’t be in my best interest, would it, to note that if you would weave a mostly fuchsia pink scarf, longer and narrower than the blue scarf you made for etsy? I would totally buy it? Please?

  7. Lisa (knithound brooklyn) Avatar

    The top down sweater looks incredible. What yarn?
    And weaving! Wow, industrious!

  8. Cobbalicious Avatar

    That cardigan is so pretty, I want to eat those colors!

  9. Jennie Avatar

    that is one gorgeous colorway!

  10. Seanna Lea Avatar

    There are certainly not enough hours in the day! Between the gorgeous projects at Twist and Knitty, the projects you’ve been publishing and the knitting I’m actually working on I don’t have time to really do anything! I find that I’m wishing for a fibery vacation, two weeks of just knitting and crochet, until I feel like I’m at least part-way caught up with all I want to do.

  11. Carla McDonald Avatar
    Carla McDonald

    Will you be pubishing the pattern for the top down cardigan?

  12. Jody Avatar

    Gorgeous cardigan! Is that handspun I see? I love the colors.

  13. SockPixie Avatar

    This cardigan is going to be lovely. The colors are scrumptious!

  14. Suzanne V. (Yarnhog) Avatar

    Along with everyone else, I want to know what the yarn for that cardigan is!

  15. Phoe Avatar

    Gorgeous cardigan!

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