wip/rip: bamboo rib cardi

Slightly less ripping, hm?

I started this cardigan in…June? Estelle 100% silk – it’s green, I promise. Just haven’t had the time to do the whole setup to get better colour!

bamboo rib cardi

When I pulled it out of its bag, I realized that I had the whole body to the underarms, one sleeve, and most of the second sleeve done already – just the yoke (and bands/collar) to go! So I finished up the second sleeve and joined everything for the yoke.

the sweater that refuses to be non-blurry

The body looks teeeeeny. But I know the numbers work, it’s ribbed, and it’s silk – the whole thing will expand a heck of a lot once it hit a good soaking. So this one’s a keeper, at least for now. Turns out I’m going to have a LOT on my plate very shortly, so I might not get back to it for awhile…besides, I’m sort of on to newer and shinier things ; )

Yep, still more wip/rip to come – and maybe a finished sweater or two!







6 responses to “wip/rip: bamboo rib cardi”

  1. Lisa Avatar

    Feels pretty good to rip all these projects eh? And look at all the yarn you have to start new ones!

  2. gleek Avatar

    oooh, that looks like it’s going to be really comfy once it’s done!

  3. Dove Avatar

    I’m loving seeing all the projects come out of the woodwork!

  4. Preita Avatar

    This is beautiful! Love the color & the rib. You can never go wrong with a rib. Can’t wait to see it done.

    You have inspired me to look in my knitting tote this weekend & start ripping & finishing.

  5. Sandra Avatar

    Ooh, that looks like it’s coming along nicely, and the pattern looks very friendly. I love the yarn choice–can’t wait to see the finished product!

  6. Tanya Avatar

    Ooh, I really like this! I’m glad you decided not to rip it out. I’m looking forward to seeing it finished!

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