Slightly less ripping, hm?
I started this cardigan in…June? Estelle 100% silk – it’s green, I promise. Just haven’t had the time to do the whole setup to get better colour!
When I pulled it out of its bag, I realized that I had the whole body to the underarms, one sleeve, and most of the second sleeve done already – just the yoke (and bands/collar) to go! So I finished up the second sleeve and joined everything for the yoke.
The body looks teeeeeny. But I know the numbers work, it’s ribbed, and it’s silk – the whole thing will expand a heck of a lot once it hit a good soaking. So this one’s a keeper, at least for now. Turns out I’m going to have a LOT on my plate very shortly, so I might not get back to it for awhile…besides, I’m sort of on to newer and shinier things ; )
Yep, still more wip/rip to come – and maybe a finished sweater or two!
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