wip/rip: cuddly shawl

worsted weight shawl

A worsted-weight version of Charlotte’s Web, in a super soft and heathery alpaca/merino blend, bought at Rhinebeck last year. It was one of the two yarns that I bought, and I only have two skeins – somewhere in the back of my mind, I think that’s 500 yards.

This one’s going forward – I’m done one ball and have knit up a few rows of the second ball. It’s going to be on the small side, but I’ll give it a good stretching when I block it for a decent scarf size.

All this unearthing of projects making me a bit alarmed! There’s still more to come, but I just might stop before I get through everything….







4 responses to “wip/rip: cuddly shawl”

  1. adrienne Avatar

    Oh it’s looking SO good!!!

  2. Telmah Avatar

    Don’t stop short! You’re finding some great keepers and some worthy rippers. Plus, what a great topic for blogging. Keep it up!

  3. Megan Avatar

    I’m afraid to go through all my half finished projects…I really need to but I think I would probably scare my self with my inability to finish things..

  4. mai Avatar

    this is fun! let’s do more!!!

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