wip/rip: doctor’s bag

I can’t quite remember when I started this…maybe last winter?

doctor's bag

It’s the Doctor’s Bag from Knit2Together, in Briggs and Little that I bought at last year’s KW fair. Double stranded on 8 mm – ouch! I do love the texture, and I loved the idea, but it wasn’t very fun to knit and not even that fast to work! All the finishing was pretty daunting too. I ripped out the two pieces and set the yarn aside – maybe I’ll be up to trying it again sometime, or will find another pattern to use with that yarn.






5 responses to “wip/rip: doctor’s bag”

  1. karen Avatar

    I could not agree more!!!! I have been knitting this in double stranded Manos de Uraguay. It is NOT fast (11 needles!) and Not really enjoying — I only have the sides to do but I think you have given me the courage to rip!!!!

  2. Sulafaye Avatar

    I just RIP’d my doctor’s bag too! And made it into a coat. But I agree, I love the herringbone.

  3. Alice Avatar

    HA, ha. I thought I was the only one bored to tears trying to knit this thing up. It is languishing while other projects have been completed. I have the handles, dowel, and plastic base (plastic canvas). If I RIP, not sure what I’ll do with all that. I used Paton’s Classic Wool and this yarn, while cheap, pills like mad. Perhaps I’ll try a tight gauge and turn the 6 skeins into a jacket.

  4. Kristin Avatar

    I love the yarn and the herringbone is gorgeous! But that double-stranded on 8mm thing would kill me

  5. Lori Avatar

    I have not tried the Doctors bag, however, I really like look. After reading your comments I do not believe I will put the money into it. I am getting weary of patterns that look really cool and they are either written with errors or not written to ever complete. I would consider myself a seasoned knitter and not intimidated by a little work, but come on designers, give us knitters projects that we can have success with.

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