wip/rip parade, day 1

A loooong time ago, I started this sweater.

black alpaca sweater

I think it was last September, because I distinctly remember knitting it on the way to the Knitter’s Fair in KW. It’s a top-down raglan in Blue Sky Alpacas sportweight, in black. Boring black.

I had a concept of a sweater, and this one didn’t cut it! I ripped it out last week in a fit of fall cleaning. I’m planning to use the yarn for BSA’s Rectangle Shawl pattern. And with any luck, I’ll return some of the unused skeins back to the store in order to purchase new stuff. Trying to sort of take stock of the stash (it has grown to rather embarrassing proportions), reassign projects, etc.

Stay tuned for more wip/rip – there’s lots to come!

Funny/cute photo of the day, if you like cats (I sort of don’t, mostly the allergy thing):

kuma in the silk garden

Kuma in the silk garden at last week’s knit night.



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10 responses to “wip/rip parade, day 1”

  1. Carmen Avatar

    I love cats…and what a sweetheart this one is!

  2. Carmen Avatar

    I love cats…and what a sweetheart this one is!

  3. Hanna Avatar

    Yay for cat pictures!

    That black kitty cat looks just like mine …

    And just in time for Halloween!

  4. Marie Avatar

    I feel exactly the same about cats! You put it so well – I sort of don’t like them but photos can be cute!

    I admire your taking stock/cleaning out efforts!

  5. Kathleen Avatar

    Heh. I got quite the chuckle out of reading that you classify starting something a year ago as a loooong time. ;) I’m such a slacker!

  6. elise Avatar

    i love the cat photo, thanks for sharing it. :)

  7. Kristin Avatar

    I love that picture! Kitties and yarn!

    I hate the fact that black is one of the colors I wear the most but it is boring to knit with.

  8. Joanne Avatar

    I started the rectangle shawl in the champagne color about a week ago and it is a nice easy knit. Earlier this year I knitted your cavern sweater for my daughter and it turned out perfect, thank you for the free pattern. I enjoy reading your posts.

  9. Kim Avatar

    I think that that black sweater looks lovely! I would wear it often I think. Of course, most of my favorite stuff is black and if you’re not into black, well then, frogging it is the only way to go. Too bad I’m not a good friend…I would have tried to convince you to give it to me (gg). Best of luck with whatever it becomes next!

  10. jeanne Avatar

    Kuma knows what’s good (and comfortable!).

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