wip/rip: twofer

How about a two for one deal today, hm? Speed things along a little before I get back onto current (not sitting around) projects…

wip/rip: cabled cardigan

A cabled cardigan from Vogue – I can’t really remember what issue, maybe holiday 2005? Yarn is Shelridge Farm W4. The problem with this sweater was, I knit the body (sans pockets, which was fine) and the collar (fine) and then the sleeves, but the sleeves grew so much upon blocking that they were both ridiculously long and too big for the armhole.

So I ripped the sleeves, and I think I knit one again, but it still didn’t fit. And so the sweater sat. I was planning on doing top-down set-in sleeves, but never really got around to it. It’s definitely in the ripping pile – I tried on the body, and it’s too short and a tad too small as well. But I’m just hesitant to take out all those fabulous cables!

single sock-dom

Of course, there’s always the single sock family. On the left is a recently completed one, the sock in sweetgeorgia sock yarn (colourway: fondant). In the middle is an anklet from last summer in Sock Candy – I “rescued” a single skein of this colour from the store and, well, I don’t know what’s going to happen with that. On the right is 1.5 socks out of handspun merino. Not sure when that’s going to happen, either…

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving weekend. I made Butternut and Creamed Spinach Gratin, a brown and wild rice pilaf with chickpeas, and apple upside-down cake for dessert. Mmmm!

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21 responses to “wip/rip: twofer”

  1. Romi Avatar

    Ooooooooooooooooo. *Awesome* cables!

  2. Nicole Avatar

    Your thanksgiving feast sounds awesome.

    Too bad about the sleeves on the cabled sweater. All that gorgeous knitting… How about turning it into a vest instead of ripping it up?

  3. Julia Avatar

    OMG don’t rip it! It’s beautiful! What about a cold weather sleeveless vest? Just add some ribbing around the armholes, and I bet it’ll be good to go!

  4. Jo Avatar

    Those cables are beautiful – I can’t believe you have to rip them out!

  5. Megan Avatar

    what a shame about the cables…

  6. Wannietta Avatar

    Oh Laura – those cables are beautiful! But I admire your gumption to clear out projects. Better that it gets ripped & reknit than just sit and unloved. You go girl!!

  7. Marie Avatar

    I too have a cabled beauty from Vogue with sleeves that won’t work and a bodice that’s too tight. Its heartbreaking! I too want to RIP rather than have it sit around any longer.

    The lovely woman at my LYS that sold me the yarn has implored me to bring it in first for a second opinion but after reading of your resolve I am tempted to just do the deed this morning!

  8. desiknitter Avatar

    I saw that cabled sweater and said noooooooooooo, don’t rip that! Pity it doesn’t fit, it’s gorgeous!

  9. Lissa Avatar

    I’m with Julia – Vest it!

  10. Sarah Avatar

    You could of course send that lovely VEST my way and I could love and take care of it….just sayin’.

    Don’t rip it!

  11. Suzanne V. (Yarnhog) Avatar

    I’m a huge fan of ripping projects that don’t make the cut–but please not the cables! They’re so beautiful and perfect–can’t the project be rehabilitated in some way?

  12. Sophia Avatar

    Your know, I fell in love with your orphan sock family!! The colours are all warm and summery and happy and I hope they get their siblings knit up sometime! ;) I have many sock orphans too…..

  13. Sally Villarreal Avatar

    Can you make the cardigan into a vest?

  14. Amy Avatar

    Just wanted to let you know that I am knitting your cavern cardigan pattern – my first sweater (okay, technically my second, but the first was a shapeless disaster that’s still a UFO). What a great pattern! I tried on the half-finished sweater yesterday, and for such a simple and straightforward pattern, I can’t believe how beautifully it fits. Thanks for making it available.

    Also, you’re very brave to do all that ripping.

  15. eyeleen Avatar

    Such beautiful cables, it’s too bad you have to rip them out.

  16. Amanda Avatar

    Definitely vest it instead of ripping those beautiful, grey, gorgeous cables! Or is there a way to knit the sleeves down from the armholes – you strike me as the type of knitter who can handle reversing cables or whatever you’d have to do to work the sleeves the opposite way! Me? The idea leaves me a quivering mess!

  17. Mags Avatar

    Rather than ripping, have you considered donating? Like, slap some sleeves on that bad boy, and give to charity? Then your beautiful work wouldn’t be wasted, and you could have a warm fuzzy feeling.

  18. Estella Avatar

    I was thinking it was a lovely vest that you had finished…perhaps you can give it as a gift if it doesn’t fit properly? The cables are lovely.

  19. KristyKnits Avatar

    I’m with the ‘Vest it!’ crowd. Those cables are just too beautiful to rip out… and all that hard work.

  20. Jennifer Avatar

    Vest, vest, vest!

  21. Rippedoffknitter Avatar

    I think I’ve said it before, but the colourway in that left sock is just the coolest ever.

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